Mission/Vision Statements

Mission Statement

The mission of the Wilkinsburg Public Library and its Eastridge Branch is to enrich and improve the lives of its patrons through information, education and recreation.  The library seeks to serve the interests of all ages and backgrounds.

Vision Statement

The library is a vibrant and evolving institution that constantly strives to meet and fulfill the changing needs and interests of its surrounding community. The Library Board and staff will:

  • Maintain and curate a robust collection of materials, appealing to a diverse population.
  • Seek ways to become involved with and work with other local organizations and businesses.
  • Offer informative and entertaining classes and events with wide appeal.
  • Solicit the opinions and feedback of our patrons and potential patrons.
  • Maintain a clean, professional, and friendly atmosphere.
  • Make use of popular social media platforms for outreach and recognition.
  • Seek fundraising and grant opportunities to ensure the continued operation and relevance of the library.

Wilkinsburg Public Library. Since 1899.